Today, I will extol the benefits of agar agar. Agar agar is a gelling agent made from a combination of algaes from thespecies gelidium. Other names include dai choy goh, Japanese isinglass, or kanten, in reference to the dish in which it is commonly used. The name, agar agar, is Malaysian in origin, and the harvest of the long red and purple fronds goes back hundreds of years. The fronds are freeze dried and dehydrated naturally, producing colorless sheets which are shaped into bars. Agar is available in the traditional bars, flakes, and powder, all of which can be used interchangeably for gelling purposes. Long strands of agar are one of the ingredients in the seaweed salad served at sushi restaurants.Like the other sea vegetables, agar is a good source of iodine (100 grams agar has 160 milligrams of iodine), as well as some calcium and iron. It has no calories, and according to Paul Pitchford, promotes digestion and weight loss, treats hemorrhoids, and carries toxic and radioactive waste out of the body. It is cooling in nature, and reduces inflammations and other heat conditions as described in traditional Chinese medicine.
Being in need of a relatively healthy dessert for the holidays? Fear not, there is hope.....santa claus is coming to town......