More carps for my son, he forgot to bring it on the eve, cried buckets, so made more for him, when school started again............

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Chinese New Year 2011 - Year of the Rabbit
It's a special year, my mum, a bunny, turns 72 this 2011.....Even at this age, she is spritely and even on a weight-loss programme to get trimmer and fitter. This year, she has decided to dust off her cookie pans and recipe books. Despite the shops, selling numerous cookies, some at outrageously low prices, whilst some at unbelievably high prices, mum decides that its best to put back some quality in the cookies and do them her way. So this year, we have a bumper cookie spread, of cashew nut, peanut, pineapple tarts.....and you know its going to be good, cos its made by a 72-year-old! What goes in it, is a lot of effort, love and quality butter, nuts and flour! All going to family and friends.....
Not wanting to be outdone by a 72-year-old, I also, will be giving my agar agar to family and friends....but of course, should anyone out there who likes some for themselves, do place your order with me....
Every year, I make the Nonya-style Agar Agar...which is traditionally, sun-tanned to add to its crunch, but when you actually put it in the sun, there's the risk, of insects and dust....eeeeow. My mum said, "Don't you dare give me, if you even think about letting it sit in the sun for 2 days!". And with the rain, not letting up, I guess, sunning is not an option.... The crunch is still there, but not done in the traditional way....I also do coconut agar agar in the auspicious carp moulds and mini agar agars that you can just pop into your mouth nicely....
Some new arrangements for 2011....a tray of fishes, rabbits and ingots! To wish everyone a bountiful 2011....

Designs available: rabbits, carps, goldfish, ingots, auspicious words...
Before school started, I managed to finally get hold of a simple enough tiramisu recipe, that actually tasted fabulous, for the number of steps (or lack of) that it took to make it....I think I love any desserts that don't require baking! My daughter, my greatest critic, actually loved it...lapped it up, Baileys and all...... this was what's left, I could take a picture off....
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