A year has flown by! And I never managed to even blog on my adventures in creating different agars! Thanks to the various kids birthday parties we've been invited to, I managed to get loads of practice with the various character moulds - that also double up as an edible birthday gift!
Other than agars, I have ventured to baking! I found the perfect mix from Baker's One! Today, the kids and I did donuts (didn't bake, but fried them!)! I must say Baker's One Doughnut Mix was truly idiot-proof and we managed to churn out some really decent looking, and nice tasting donuts! My next venture is to work on another idiot-proof bangkit cookie mix, that hopefully, even whoas my ever critical peranakan aunties! Imagine, a bangkit, where you don't even need to fry the flour, or was it the coconut....its complicated???
Other than agars, I have ventured to baking! I found the perfect mix from Baker's One! Today, the kids and I did donuts (didn't bake, but fried them!)! I must say Baker's One Doughnut Mix was truly idiot-proof and we managed to churn out some really decent looking, and nice tasting donuts! My next venture is to work on another idiot-proof bangkit cookie mix, that hopefully, even whoas my ever critical peranakan aunties! Imagine, a bangkit, where you don't even need to fry the flour, or was it the coconut....its complicated???
See, I made these donuts! Macam donut factory???
See, how easy it is, with a great pre-mix!
Step 1. Get a packet of the easiest doughnut mix from Baker's One
Step 2. Dissolve the yeast in the water
Step 3. Add in doughnut mix
Step 4. Knead in the softened butter
Step 5. Leave to rest for 30 mins
Step 6. Shape the doughnuts. See my enthusiastic daughter, not even out of her PJs and hard at work, making donuts for daddy's breakfast. Had to cheat a bit and used an O cookie cutter to make the perfect O donuts!
Step 7. The sinful part.......Deep Fry the donuts! Hey! donuts that are almost done, float up!
In case you were wondering, what's Baker's One. Baker's One is a Malaysia-based baking supply company. Think along the lines of Phoon Huat or Ghim Heng Lee in Singapore. They have wonderful pre-mixes and what's special is they have pre-mixes for very local cookies - bangkit, green pea cookies. There are also chocolate cookie mix and cake mixes. What I love about it is it's free of preservatives and additives (so the shelf-life of the mixes are short, but you know you are getting them fresh each time). Next on my list to experiment is the Baker's One pizza mix! Another activity to get my kids to work for their food! Hopefully, I blog about that sooner than a year!