Monday, August 25, 2008
The unbelievable 3-step Lemon Cheesecake
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Papa: Oooh, opps and that too....
Just to record this effort, I'd like to showcase my ala-martha stewart attempts!

The cupcakes

One of the girls said: Why is Isabel's birthday cake so small and plain? As I arranged it in a shape of the no. 7....I said, well, if you girls weren't busy helping yourselves to the cupcakes before it was supposed to be eaten, I would have made the word Isabel and not be left enough for a no. 7 only, and I proceeded to sprinkle some leftover M&Ms to make it look a bit more exciting.....these girls sure can wallop the sweet stuff......
Then came the auspicious 08.08.08 - it was Rafael's 2nd birthday! Being a mere 2 year old and the 3rd kid in the family, all the excitment of planning for another party for him waned....luckily he was clueless on what he was not getting!

Thursday, July 3, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
After collecting empty egg shells for a couple of days, I placed the leftover agar in the empty shells.
My kids felt the same thrill as I felt when I had this simple treat....another simple party idea that still excites the kids........
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
My 7th Mother's Day
5 days before the sunday, I told husband, I kind of regret offering to do 50 cupcakes and a tray of jelly (this was laziness talking!)....husband then casually mentioned:"erh, for church, you promise and don't do, may go to hell...." Maybe it was God talking through the husband!
So, with that at the back of my mind, I rationalised that jelly wasn't a good idea cos there won't be refrigeration, so just stick to cupcakes!Kids also had a hand in baking and decorating....
And Viola....my cupcakes turned out pretty swell looking! probably with some divine intervention, too....

Memo from COO (Tan Family)
As the COO of the family, its no joke getting the sub-ordinates to toe the line, do more work (mummy's homework), submit their work (assessment books) on time, take shorter meal times (draggy breakfast, lunch and dinner) and skive less (watching cartoons). But at the end of the day, I do feel very happy (not tremendously satisfied, since I reckon I would be that stage only when they are all grown and paying me back with a cut of their salaries....) that I am the one moulding their lives....
Well in the meantime, I have had the time to also indulge in experimenting with are jelly moulds when birthdays come round the corner....

Remember this? I was digging through my tray collection for a mould for my brother's 40th suprise party! Popeye was definitely fitting for one born in the 60s! Even made a pair of boobs....but I am a wholesome, family blogger! So no pics of boobs! But I must say it looked darn real!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
D-I-Y - Pizza
Step 2. Add yeast to lukewarm, boiled water and stir to thoroughly mix
Step 3. Pour out the pizza mix into a large bowl and make a well in the centre, slowly pour in the yeast mixture and knead to combine mix and yeast mixture
Step 5. Let the dough rest (or in professional culinary terms - proof) in a warm place - that's why I put it in an unheated oven. This allows the dough to react with the yeast to double its size. Do not over proof beyond the stated time or it will sour....if you do not have the time to continue the next step, just put the dough (covered with clingwrap in the fridge).
Step 6. Shape the dough on a lightly floured surface. Flatten with a rolling pin and constantly turn and flatten on a floured surface and repeat the process, otherwise, the dough will never flatten or get larger but spring back to its small size!
Step 7. Top it up with all your favs....we put the usu, ham, pineapples, capsicum and loads and loads of cheese. And pop it in the oven to cook! It comes out thin and crispy oozing with cheese and overflowing with ingredients.....
With my recent craze for eating as little stuff with preservatives and more natural foods.....at least I know what are the stuff going into my pizza....I know the kids are eating top quality fresh beef and good quality ham (even tho that is filled with nitrates), freshly cut Dole pineapples and capsicum and plump white button mushrooms - not stuff from a can! Not to mention the cost of putting 2 packs of Italiano pizza mix cheese!