As the COO of the family, its no joke getting the sub-ordinates to toe the line, do more work (mummy's homework), submit their work (assessment books) on time, take shorter meal times (draggy breakfast, lunch and dinner) and skive less (watching cartoons). But at the end of the day, I do feel very happy (not tremendously satisfied, since I reckon I would be that stage only when they are all grown and paying me back with a cut of their salaries....) that I am the one moulding their lives....
Well in the meantime, I have had the time to also indulge in experimenting with are jelly moulds when birthdays come round the corner....

Remember this? I was digging through my tray collection for a mould for my brother's 40th suprise party! Popeye was definitely fitting for one born in the 60s! Even made a pair of boobs....but I am a wholesome, family blogger! So no pics of boobs! But I must say it looked darn real!