The Husband:"Mother's day is today right?"
The unimpressed wife:"Ya..?"
The Husband to kids:" Let's go out for lunch today, for mummy!"
The Kids:"Yeh! Yeh! Macdonald's!"
The Husband:"Where hah?"
The unimpressed wife:"Hog's Breath at Holland V, save you some money, can have 1-for-1 set lunch..."
The Husband:"ok, set!"
The Kids: "Yeh! Yeh! Fries and coke!"
At least this year I ate, sitting down, at a 2005 when we were living in Perth, the husband and equally negligent male friend and our families, bought us mums and unimpressed mothers-in-law.....takeaway fish and chips in cottlesloe and found a palm tree for us to stand around to eat(cos the ozzies were more prepared and took up every available picnic space on the beach and seats in restaurants)....take goodness we were already married, cannot imagine what the mother-in-laws would have done !
Sometimes, I just wished that the husband just put in a little more matter how non-chalant that I am towards all these commercial celebrations, it is nice to feel more appreciated! At least kids came back with school made gifts....
Well, back to why, I was desperately icing the cupcakes.....The church was having a big party as it was Pentecost Sunday and also the church's feast day. So there was a call for volunteers to make desserts or cakes. Great, something we can do as a family (less husband and baby) for the church!
5 days before the sunday, I told husband, I kind of regret offering to do 50 cupcakes and a tray of jelly (this was laziness talking!)....husband then casually mentioned:"erh, for church, you promise and don't do, may go to hell...." Maybe it was God talking through the husband!
So, with that at the back of my mind, I rationalised that jelly wasn't a good idea cos there won't be refrigeration, so just stick to cupcakes!Kids also had a hand in baking and decorating....
And cupcakes turned out pretty swell looking! probably with some divine intervention, too....

At the end of my 7th uneventful mother's day, as I was putting kids to sleep, Zach remembered he was to sing me a song....
"I love you mummy, deep down in my heart, I love you mummy deep down in my heart, talk about deep deep deep deep deep down in my heart, talk about deep deep deep deep deep down in my heart!"
The real icing on the cake!
btw, when I asked him to repeat the song the next day for papa, he refused and said next mother's day will be the next performance!